Erection All Risks Insurance 

Organizations are exposed to considerably large risk, when embarking on a construction project that involves storage of equipment, moving or increasing a facility, or taking apart and rebuilding it. There could be physical loss or damage to the property, loss or damage to human capital and even loss to the third parties involved in work. More often than not, such losses take by surprise and inflict havoc on plans, schedules and costs.

Erection All Risk Insurance helps in shielding against this kind of state of affairs. Whatever be the risk, the comprehensive nature of its coverage makes it the model solution for wide-ranging requirements.

We arrange Insurance solutions that cover

    • Erection of plants, factories, machinery and equipment.
    • Comprehensive and adequate insurance protection against all risks involved in the erection of machinery and plant as well as structures of any kind.
    • Risks associated with storage, assembly/erection, testing and commissioning of following types of activities unless specifically excluded :
      •  Setting up a new project/individual machinery,
      • Expansion of an existing project,
      • Dismantling and re-erection of an existing facility etc.
      • Construction works,
      • Temporary buildings,
      • Constructional plants,
      • Tools and equipment,
      • Hired-In property,
      • Employee tools and effects etc.
  • Marine Cum Erection Insurance
  • Deterioration of Stocks